The first brand manufacturers of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer.

Testing Procedures

Author:Nancy  UpdateTime:2018-04-12

1. When the power supply of the computer is not turned on, inspect whether the computer, the sensor, the printer and other equipment are connected well; the probe of the tester must be plugged tightly;

2. Survey and record the basic conditions (name, sex, date of birth, etc.) of the tested person;

3. Start the computer and inspect whether the computer, the sensor the printer and other equipment run well;

4. Prompt the tested person to relax the feeling, not to speak and to keep steady breathing;

5. Require the tested person to grasp the test rod by the left or right hand;

6. Close all other application programs and open [Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer] for testing.

7. During testing, the test person’s skin should not be touched; the hand should naturally press to grasp the test rod and not wobble.

8. After the testing is finished, the instrument should be cleaned to make it be in a good standby condition.

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