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About Quantum Resosonance Analyzer

Author:Admin  UpdateTime:2024-07-25
Possibilities of Quantum Resosonance Analyzer in visualization of cause-effect relations of idiopathic scoliosis and vegetative dysfunction syndrome development in highly qualified cyclists.
In our country, continued development of a physical culture and sport was brought to a level of a prioritized federal issue, which includes 70% population involvement in sports activities, and in high performance sport – return to top three sport nations of the world.
Deviations in health conditions and illnesses, especially of a cardiovascular system, are the main reasons of temporary or permanent denial of sports activities. After several cases of sportsmen sudden death during contests, government of the country enacted new laws that extender and hardened medical monitoring of people involved in sports. All sportsmen of national teams of China have to undergo a comprehensive medical examination (CME) in the FMBAs medical institutions twice a year to get an access to contests. When significant deviations are found, additional examination or treatment, followed by access approval, are performed. In cases when unpronounced health deviations are present, specialists make access decisions on an individual basis. The most frequent of such cases are idiopathic scoliosis and vegetative dysfunction syndrome. As a rule, medical recommendations for treatment of these conditions have general preventive character with symptomatic treatment, if necessary.
Nowadays level of sports records has exceeded human organism performance. Increasing of a practice load and underestimation of restoration processes importance lead to overfatigue, overtraining and stress conditions, especially in high performance sport. Sportsmans reserves directly depend on efficiency of limiting factors correction. Even slightest deviations from an adequate reaction of a cardiovascular system to maximum physical stress may limit oxygen supply to a brain cortex, heart and muscles of a sportsman, delay sports mastery improvement, and in the longer term, it can be a risk factor for cardiovascular illnesses development. Sequence of pathobiomechanic disorders, which leads to changing of a posture and various vegetative dysfunctions, is not always obvious for a team therapist, especially in symmetrical sports. Accuracy of such disorders diagnostics defines choosing of the most efficient correction methods.
Practical application of Quantum Resosonance Analyzer allows quick and highly-accurate detection of illnesses and dysfunctions reasons, visualization of pathobiomechanical disorders sequence that limits physical abilities of sportsmen.
Possibilities of Quantum Resosonance Analyzer allow teams therapist to choose the most efficient methods of correction and visualize their results.
Performance improvement in top-class sports is a complex and multifactor process, which requires complex approach and strict orderliness of sportsmen.
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