The first brand manufacturers of quantum resonance magnetic analyzer.
<3 in 1> Metatron 4025 Hunter+8D-LRIS+3D-NLS Plus
  • Brand : QRMA
  • Version : 3 in 1 hunter
  • Model Number :
  • Product Size : 32x23x11.5CM
  • Color : Black
  • Default Language :
  • Optional Language :
  • English,Spanish,French,Italian,Korean,German,Czech,Polish,Romanian,Russian,Bulgarian,Japanese,Portuguese,Malay,Greek,Turkish,Hungarian,Chinese


<3 in 1> Metatron 4025 Hunter+8D-LRIS+3D-NLS Plus

Metapathia- 4025 Hunter NLS Diagnosis & Therapy

We have a new, truly the world's unparallelled diagnostic and treatment biofeedback system. This is the most precise, informative and safe method for express overall body diagnostic.


<3 in 1> Metatron 4025 Hunter+8D-LRIS+3D-NLS Plus



OUR PRODUCTS ARE ALREADY USED BY„ Doctors and medical practitioners, Sanatorium resorts, Fitness centers and SPAs, Medical Clinics, Oriental Medicine Centers, Sports Medicine Specialists, Diagnostic rooms, Scientific research centers, Distributors of homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements.

    ∙ Automatically Detect Root Cause
    ∙ 3-D Spiral Scanning Method
    ∙ 1432 Organs and Tissues
    ∙ 4012 Preparations and Processes
    ∙ Extended Database of Etalons
    ∙ Bacteria Research and Therapy
    ∙ Preparation of Personified Remedies
    ∙ High-speed Testing
    ∙ More Intuitive

    ∙ Meta Therapy
    ∙ Stone Therapy (Lithotherapy)
    ∙ Phytotherapy
    ∙ Acupuncture Therapy
    ∙ Iris Therapy
    ∙ Preparation making


What's Metatron 4025 Hunter NLS Device?

Simply saying, it is an advanced Non-Invasive Diagnostic Device for physical examination & analysis system, using the light wave resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue, cell, chromosome, DNA helix, molecule or entire organ, then provides treatment.



Together with improvement of Metatron hardware, the software is being improved also. Metapathia GR Hunter is a new, revolutionary step in software creation. Hundreds of virtual models, starting with chromosomes, DNA and cells and up to models of organs and joints, were added to Metatron GR Hunter.

Also the algorithm of the software was renewed, thus the effectiveness and reliability of the researches was increased. The most significant addition to Metapathia GR Hunter– is a module called HUNTER, which allows revealing of oncological on early stages. New user interface of the software is intuitively obvious; all symbols are visual and easy to remember.

The main feature of Metapathia GR Hunter software is function called “Three-dimensional Scanning” which allows to localize automatically a nidus where tumor appeared, heritable diseases, etc. and to find the reason of appearance at genome level, passing one after another histological cuts, cytological cuts, chromosome sets, separate chromosomes, and go deeper to fragments of DNA helix.

During a research the gross changes in tissues shown on macro cuts are revealed, and then a research of the histological cuts of the chosen tissues is carried out in a place of major pathological changes. Then, after histological cut research is done, the search of significantly changed cells is carried out in order to find changes in cell structures. This algorithm then goes to the level of chromosome set, looks for the changes in separate chromosomes, after that starts a research of DNA helix. Also user may carry out the research of multivariate topological picture and metastatic disease. It allows additional searching for metastasis in other organs. The researches are held in automatic mode and user can interrupt it in any moment.



The advantages of new system Metatron-4025 Hunter

- Adaptation of a brand new system of continuous scanning developed for high-performance multidimensional non-linear scanners (metatrons) of Z series, thus reliability of researches is increased greatly.
- Research speed is increased more than 5 times.
- The main peculiarity of Medicomat-4025 with “Metapathia GR Hunter” software is “multidimen-sional virtual scanning” that allows automatically localize a nidus of tumor, hereditary diseases and reveal a reason of its appearance at genome level, by sequential passing through histological and cytological sections, chromosomes and going deeper to fragments of DNA molecule.





TREATMENT with Metatron-4025

Metatron shows in which development stage the disorder is in and if the process is acute or chronic. Furthermore with a new added function it is possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future. This allows to discover if a therapy is suitable or if the body can solve the problem by itself.

Metatron determines not only the type of disorder but also identifies the severity of disorders. After the measurement, Metatron can treat the client with the function META Therapy, Phytotherapy, Stone Therapy, Acupuncture Therapy and Iris Therapy. The treatment is carried out on six levels, the first on the molecule, and then the DNA, chromosome, etc. up to organ, making it the very effective and successful. The user can observe the effectiveness directly
on the screen. A comparative analysis shows the changes that take place before and after treatment.

According to the same principles, Metatron is capable of measuring oscillations of remedies such as food supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc. By means of this function, it can find the most efficient remedy for the patient. Metatron can identify which therapeutic remedy works best and which burdens are present.

<3 in 1> Metatron 4025 Hunter+8D-LRIS+3D-NLS Plus

Who can use the Metatron 4025 hunter ?

* Physicians.
* Naturopaths.
* Osteopaths.
* Chiropractors.
* Dietitians.
* Licensed Nutritionists.
* Nurse Practitioners.
* Registered Nurses.
* Physician Assistants.
* Integrative Medicine/CAM Program Directors.
* Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Complementary Medicine.

* Homeopaths.
* Massage Therapists.
* Medical SPAs.
* Wellness and Fitness Centers.
* Cosmetic Salons.
* Pharmacists.
* Medical Students and Faculty.
* Licensed Herbalists.
* Anti-aging and other Alternative Medicine Practitioners.


Package details

1. Hunter Device Host  x1
2. Bio-inductor  x1
3. USB Power cable  x1
4. Bio-inductor cable  x1
5. USB disk   x1
6. Resonant chamber  x1
7. Aluminum case  x1
8. Dongle  x1
9. Bio-inductor covers  x3


<3 in 1> Metatron 4025 Hunter+8D-LRIS+3D-NLS Plus

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This product is provide from [Quantum resonance magnetic analyzer],please indicate the source address reprinted:http://www.quantumresonancemagneticanalyzer.com/NLS_diagnosis_devices/Hunter_8D-LRIS_3D-NLS_Plus.html